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4 Myths About C-Section You Must Not Believe

You probably associate the word “C-Section” with the words “unnatural,” “scary,” or “destructive.” However, there are some falsehoods that we all believe are harmful.

Myths About C-section

Here are some of the myths about C-sections you don’t know. 

Breastfeeding is a Challenge


It’s always up to you to decide how you feed your child, although breastfeeding is generally not affected by whether you had a C-section or a vaginal birth. It is true that mothers who have had a C-Section find it harder to initiate the process of breastfeeding, but it is not impossible for them to do so. In any kind of delivery, between three to twenty-four months it is seen that the rates of breastfeeding remain the same with no influence of the kind of birth. The only issue that some mothers do face is surgical pain that comes with the C-Section, this may need you to hold your baby differently or even consult and assist your doctor in positioning your infant for feedings.

Vaginal Birth is Impossible after a C-Section

There are a few of you who think that once a c-section is done, there is no turning back. Any mother who has had a C-Section has a very high possibility of later giving birth vaginally.

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Recovery Time of a Vaginal Birth and a C-Section is the same

Though it might seem that the recovery time of having either of the types of childbirth may be the same, this can be deceiving. The majority of vaginal births have a healing time of one to two weeks and a one- to two-day hospital stay following the delivery. While a C-Section requires a hospital stay of around four to five days and a recovery period of about three to four weeks, you must also exercise extra caution if you plan to have a C-Section by avoiding activities like heavy lifting, sexual activity, and severe exercise.

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Elective C-sections are less problematic than vaginal births

A C-section is normally performed when there exist high-risk situations or in times when there exist complications in labor. The majority of doctors always favor and advise vaginal birth, but they do promote C-sections when absolutely necessary. The ability to choose the delivery date is a lovely idea, but an elective C-section is a major operation that can be avoided if you are ready to go with the flow. Like with any abdominal surgery, there is always a chance of severe bleeding, infection, etc. that can be avoided. Compared to an elective C-section, a vaginal birth may seem unplanned and something of a burden but understanding the risks will always be beneficial.

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